Note | Oct | 440 Hz | 432 Hz |
C | 4 | 261.63 | 256.87 |
C# | 4 | 277.18 | 272.14 |
D | 4 | 293.66 | 288.33 |
D# | 4 | 311.13 | 305.47 |
E | 4 | 329.63 | 323.63 |
F | 4 | 349.23 | 342.88 |
F# | 4 | 369.99 | 363.27 |
G | 4 | 392.00 | 384.87 |
G# | 4 | 415.30 | 407.75 |
A | 4 | 440.00 | 432.00 |
A# | 4 | 466.16 | 457.69 |
B | 4 | 493.88 | 484.90 |
Note | Oct | 440 Hz | 432 Hz |
C | 4 | 261.63 | 256.87 |
C# | 4 | 277.18 | 272.14 |
D | 4 | 293.66 | 288.33 |
D# | 4 | 311.13 | 305.47 |
E | 4 | 329.63 | 323.63 |
F | 4 | 349.23 | 342.88 |
F# | 4 | 369.99 | 363.27 |
G | 4 | 392.00 | 384.87 |
G# | 4 | 415.30 | 407.75 |
A | 4 | 440.00 | 432.00 |
A# | 4 | 466.16 | 457.69 |
B | 4 | 493.88 | 484.90 |
Note & Frequency Calculator - Accurate Frequency Calculations for Every Tuning
Our free Note & Frequency Calculator allows you to calculate the frequencies of musical notes from C0 to B8 in any tuning system, including standard 440Hz, as well as 432Hz and 528Hz tunings. Whether you’re working with guitar, piano, or other instruments, this tool provides precise frequency values for your musical needs. You can easily compare the frequencies of different notes in various tunings, aiding in tuning instruments, music production, and sound engineering.
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Explore the wide range of tunings available, including custom options for experimental or historical tuning systems. The calculator is designed for musicians, sound designers, and audio engineers who want to achieve the most accurate frequency results. By offering tunings such as 432Hz, which is often preferred for its perceived healing properties, and 528Hz, known for its association with the “Love Frequency,” we provide a versatile tool for a broad spectrum of musical practices.
Use our tool for accurate tuning, sound research, or to simply explore the nuances of different tuning systems. With a user-friendly interface and detailed frequency calculations, the Note & Frequency Calculator is an essential tool for musicians and audio professionals alike.